Havoc Pit Boss

Sand Hollow Largemouth Bass

The Berkley Havoc Pit Boss is an awesome soft plastic bait. I started throwing it last year and was stoked on the bass it crushed. I’ve used it in all types of situations, and it always seemed to produce good sized bass. Here are the different ways I like to rig up the bait, and some of the pros and cons I’ve found fishing with it.

Ways to rig up the Berkley Havoc Pit Boss:

Havoc Pit BossThe Pit Boss is a soft plastic craw imitation bait I’ve found you can fish in a lot of different ways. Here are some of my favorites:

  1. Jig Trailer – This has become my go-to bait as a jig trailer. The way the claws flutter on the back of jig really give it a solid presentation bass can’t resist.
  2. Jika Rig – I love throwing this thing on a Jika Rig. The appendages of the bait move nicely when it drops and sits in a single place. This makes it a great bait to put on a Jika Rig.
  3. Texas Rig – I’ve also had success throwing the bait on a Texas Rig. I usually use a 1/4 oz  bullet weight with the Pit Boss on a Texas Rig. The Texas Rig Pit Boss is a great bait that pulls through heavier cover nicely.

Reasons why I like the Pit Boss:

  1. The main reason I like them is the price. You can pick up a package of 8 of these for around $3-$5. A lot of other soft plastics usually run from $5 – $10.
  2. Another reason I like this bait is how it looks in the water. It has incredible action. Check out my YouTube video on the Jika Rig and you’ll see what the Pit Boss looks like in the water: You Tube Jika Rig
  3. A third reason I like it is because it is made with really durable plastic. The durability of the plastic allows you to keep using it after it’s been beaten up by a bunch of bass.
  4. The last reason I like this bait is because of the myriad of good colors it comes in. My favorites colors are green pumpkin, summer crawdad,  perfection, and the big texan.

The only real draw back to this bait is sometimes I’ve found the two-tone colored baits, such as the summer crawdad or big texan, don’t have consistent color pattern within the same package. Usually they aren’t too far off, but I wish they were a little more consistent in their looks.

If you want to pick a pack of these baits up, you can find them a few places. I’ve found good prices on Amazon and Bass Pro Shops. Here are my affiliate links to both these places if you want to pick up a pack. I’ve “kraked” a lot of bass with them and hope you do too.

Links to pick up the Pit Boss: Berkley Havoc Pit Boss at Amazon.com        Havoc Pit Boss at Basspro.com

Here is a pic of one of the toads I caught with this bait.

jika rig largemouth bass

As Always,

Stay Stoked!

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