Fishing Lake Mohave – Bass Fest!

fishing lake mohave

Things were awesome on our trip fishing Lake Mohave. Me and my dad spent three full days chasing trophy Smallmouth, and Lake Mohave didn’t disappoint. We didn’t catch piles of fish, but the ones we did catch were good sized. Here are some of the logistics of our trip to help you try and chase some yourself. We also got some sweet video footage of the action for you to get a feel of what this lake can offer. Enjoy this post on fishing Lake Mohave to help you get “Kraken” Bass!

Fishing Lake Mohave

Here are the logistics of the conditions we faced, what baits we used, keys we found for finding them, and also the run down of what happened each day. In addition, I’ve got a video compilation of some of the bass we hooked and released. Plus, I’ve put together a bag of baits rigged up for you to purchase of what worked for us on the trip. Super great times! Don’t forget to subscribe to the blog, so you can get notified of every new trip report this season. Hope you enjoy this report on fishing Lake Mohave.

Fishing Lake Mohave Conditions

This trip was spread out over three full days of fishing on March 3rd, 4th, and 5th. We started each day at 7am and fished until dark. Every day the weather was a little bit different. The only thing changing was the wind would pick up at least for a portion of the day, but air temperatures remained about the same.

Water Temperature

58 – 60 degrees, it didn’t vary much from that over the full course of the 3 days.

Water Clarity

Crystal Clear, visibility down to 20 feet.


Majority of the time bright and sunny, mid-day air temperatures around 78 degrees.

Fishing Lake Mohave Report

Lake Mohave is one of my favorite places to go fishing. The water is crystal clear, and it boasts some larger than average sized smallmouth bass. We spent three days chasing the beasts and had a great time. It’s funny how every day of fishing things were a little different. We learned something new each day, and were able to progressively work and catch more fish. We caught about a dozen bass a day between the both of us.

Day one started out a little frustrating. We were seeing a lot of fish cruising the shallows, but couldn’t seem to get anything to bite. We also saw a bass circling a bed for the spawn, but couldn’t get him to chomp either. We started cycling through baits and ended up getting almost all our bites on a Weightless Texas Rigged Senko. We caught about a dozen bass at the end of the day, and several were in the 3 pound class pushing the 4 lbs mark. The fish were definitely moving in and cruising around in the shallows of 4 – 12 feet deep. Eventually, we caught a few nice sized males guarding their spawning beds. It was super cool to see them swim up and suck down the bait. Here’s a few pictures of some of the fish we caught the first day.

fishing lake mohave
fishing lake mohave largemouth bass
fishing lake mohave smallmouth bass

Day two started out with us both pumped from our success from yesterday. The weather was nice and calm in the morning, perfect for spotting cruisers and bedded bass.  My second cast of the morning, I perfectly placed my senko right in the middle of a small clump of brush. My line jumped, and a solid smallmouth erupted up through the sky. My senses were in full stoke mode. Coudln’t think of a better way to start the morning.

Even with the quick start to the second day it was tougher than the first. We seemed to miss a lot more fish. Even though we saw fish, the senko bite slowed way down. They just didn’t seem to want it. We did figure out how to get the bedding bass to bite better. We rigged up a drop shot with a roboworm, and would lay it in the beds. Something about the little roboworm on a drop shot got those suckers to suck it down.

Here’s a couple pictures of some of the ones we caught on the second day. Action wasn’t as hot as the first day, but we still had a riot jacking small jaws.

fishing lake mohave bass
smallmouth bass lake mohave

Day three was definitely the most epic. Especially in the morning before the wind really started getting things riled up. We got into a couple really good coves. The bass would stack out on the shoulders of the cove. Plus, there where some good beds with bass on lock down mode in the backs of the coves as well. On the shoulder of one cove we had 8 bites, but only managed to land 4 of them. We had several heart breakers get off right at the boat. Another contributor to our better success was we started throwing some different things, and the bass seemed to love them. One of the best baits of the day was a stupid rigged tube. Crawling that along the bottom seemed to work better than some of the other stuff we had been using.

Here’s a picture of two of my favorite fish from the last day. One was my new personal best smallmouth. He weighed in at 4.5 lbs. The stoke was just flowing when I brought that guy in after he chomped my tube jig. The second one was a 3 lbs largemouth who sucked down my roboworm. It’s always fun battling big beasts like these on light line on a spinning rod.

fishing lake mohave big smallmouth bass
fishing lake mohave largemouth bass

Where We Found Fish on Lake Mohave

There were two main spots where we found the bass on Lake Mohave. The majority of the fish we caught were in the corners of the coves tucked out of the weather sitting on beds, or cruising the shallows in those areas getting ready to make beds. The other place we found them was on the inside points of the same coves staging up to get ready to spawn. Because the water is so clear, you can oftentimes spot bass cruising around fairly easily. We always slowed down when we saw fish, and milked the area out.

Here’s a simple diagram of a cove on Lake Mohave and what types of places held bass.

fishing lake mohave spots

Best Baits for Fishing Lake Mohave

I’ve put together a Kraken Bass Bag you can purchase with what we used on Lake Mohave to catch these bass. My goal is to make it even easier for you to get your hands on what worked for me on my trip reports. Plus, they are set up so you don’t have to do it yourself. In addition, I have a link to all the posts about these set-ups in the bag on how to fish them if you run into any drama. Still though, I’ve included in this post  3 of the top 4 baits that caught bass. To find out what the 4th bait is you’ll have to purchase the bag. Something fun to get you stoked. The bag is only $30.00, and comes with a total of 9 baits with all the right hooks and weights you need to “Krak” them bass. Here are three of the baits found in the bag, and how we fished them. Click on the “Buy Now” button below this list to purchase your Kraken Bass Bag for Lake Mohave.


The 5 inch senko caught some solid fish for us on the trip. Especially when they were up super shallow, and cruising the banks. We fished the senko texas rigged weightless to help it pull through some of the brush and wood cover the bass would oftentimes relate to in the backs of the coves. A good bait-casting set up with light flourocarbon line was crucial for making long casts, and not spooking the fish with the crystal clear water.

Tube Jig:

The 4.25 inch brown craw jumbo tube by gizit was a bass magnet for us at Lake Mohave. The tube was stupid rigged onto a 1/8 oz Z-Man Shaky Headz hook to help prevent hang ups, and it worked well for going through cover as well. The tube jig worked best on a spinning rod set up with light flourocarbon line. With the crystal clear water, you need to downsize your line to get more bites. It seems to make a big difference. One other key I noticed while fishing the tube was to slowly drag it along the bottom instead of hopping it. The bass were just warming up and weren’t chasing really well. It seemed like when I ever I slowed down and dragged the bait is when the bass would pick it up.


We caught a lot of good bass on the 4.5 inch Aaron’s pro shad roboworm. This bait set up on a drop shot rig with a 1/8 oz drop shot weight, and a 1/0 gamakatsu drop shot hook was perfect for catching the smallmouth bass on their beds. The key was to use light line, and make sure your bait was close to their home. One more thing about the roboworm is we wacky rigged the bait on our drop shot hooks. This seems to give the roboworm the best action. We also caught bass on the roboworm that weren’t on beds. It was a staple on our spinning rods the entire trip.

Fishing Lake Mohave Video Compilation

Here is the YouTube video of some of the action of the trip we caught on film. What a great three days. There was a ton of footage, but I whittled it down to the best parts. Hopefully, this will get you stoked to get out Kraken Bass fishing Lake Mohave.

Thanks for your support and consideration of my words to help you in your next bass fishing adventure. I’m really stoked to put together a Kraken Bass Bag to go along with this trip fishing Lake Mohave. I’m confident the bag of baits will help take the guess work out of what to use next time you are on the water. Plus, they are pre-rigged on the hooks to start fishing immediately.

Special thanks as always goes to my awesome dad. He has done so much more for me in my life above taking me out on bass trips like this. He has taught me so much about life and living. I’m so lucky to have such a rock-star father. Please leave a comment on your thoughts about this post, or any other additional insight you have on fishing Lake Mohave. Let’s work together to help other anglers come to love the great sport of bass fishing.

As Always,

Stay Stoked!

Gear Used

The links above and below in this post are affiliate links were you can pick up baits, rod’s, reels, line, and anything else I used to “Krak” some bass on this trip. Krakenbass receives a small percentage of the sales through these links. I only use links to baits, and gear I personally trust and know work. I put these links to make them helpful for you, and not for the small amount I make for the sale of the products. I hope these products can help you “krak” some bass! Thank you for your support.

11 Responses

  1. Great report JB! I might go to Mohave for a day or two within a week. Never been there. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Did you boat in at Cottonwood cove? Just ordered my “bag of baits.” Thanks

    1. Thanks for ordering! I’ll ship them out first thing in the morning for you. We just launched out of cottonwood cove. I’m sure the fishing will even be better when your there. Fish with your eyes. The water is so clear, once you start seeing fish slow down and milk it out.

    1. There’s a total of 9 baits with hooks, and weights for each of them. I failed to put a picture up of what’s in the bag. I’ll do that tonight to help give you a better picture. Thanks for inquiring.

  2. Great article ….I’m gonna be fishing at Mohave in mid May….launching out of Katherine landing…any suggestions on any coves nearby for some bass I’ll be at the southern end by Davis dam..I also ordered your bait bag

    1. Just hammer on em! Fish with your eyes, and you’ll run right into them. Look for beds, and typically they aren’t very far.

  3. I just read and saw your article on fishin Lake Mohave Bass Fest. It looks like and sounds like you were fishing during the spawn because you kept talking about beds and crusing fish. Try fishing that lake during late December and all of January, if you have or have not let me know how you did or do, I can’t buy a fish on that lake this time of year.

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