I stumbled across Horseshoe springs while looking for somewhere to go bass fishing near Tooele in Utah. There wasn’t a lot of info about fishing the place online, but thought I would check it out anyway. Horseshoe Springs actually turned out to be a cool little place. Here’s the full report on how I caught some bass while at Horseshoe springs fishing.

Horseshoe Springs Fishing

I’d first heard about Horseshoe springs from a co-worker. He told me he had seen little bass swimming around in the springs several years ago, and that I should go check it out. I was in Tooele for work for the day, so after work was done I headed out there. It’s in the middle of nowhere in a place called skull valley. Horshoe springs was a popular place for pioneer travelers because of the fresh water which is hard to come by in the desert. Plus, the water is warm. Upon arrival I found this sign about fishing Horseshoe Springs.


horseshoe springs fishing


Needless to say I was excited to get my poles out and start fishing after seeing this sign. I wound up catching one largemouth bass, and missed several others. Here are the details of my trip to help you when heading to Horseshoe Springs fishings. Because it is a warm spring Horseshoe Springs stays the same temperatures all year round. It’s the perfect place to scratch your itch in the wintertime for bass fishing.

Horseshoe Springs Fishing Baits

I didn’t have my full arsenal of baits in my car, but I tried a lot of different things to get bites. You could see several small bass swimming around, but they were super skittish. Here’s what worked best for me.

Trick Worm

I used a zoom 6 inch trick worm at horshoe springs fishing, and it worked really well. I had several strikes on it, but only managed to land one bass. I rigged the worm up on a 3/16 oz shaky head. The key was to make long casts in the super clear water. I would also drop the shaky head in the little holes in the vegetation and it got bit. It was almost like the longer you let the shaky head worm set the better. A shaky head worm is always a great bait for tough bites. Throw the shaky head out, and slowly crawl it back. It’s a solid bass catcher. Check out my post on fishing a shaky head for more info on how to use it: Shaky Head Rig

horshoe springs fishing


Horseshoe Springs Fishing Conditions

Here is what the conditions were like for me while bass fishing Horseshoe springs. I visited the place Wendsday, November 18th from 2:00pm – 3:30pm.


0-5 MPH. If it was blowing, I didn’t notice it.

Water Temperature

62 – 65 degrees. I tested the water temprature in several places. Some pools where warmer than others. All of them were above the 60 degree mark.


Air Temperature 48 degrees. Skies were partly cloudy.

Water Clarity

Clear. Visibility was good. You could see the bottom of every pool.

Horshoe Springs Fishing Spots

Here is a map of the spots I fished at Horseshoe springs. Hopefully, you can find a few here yourself.

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Horshoe Springs Fishing Details

I was pretty blown away when I pulled up to the place. There was a thin layer of some green vegetation piled up with little holes where you could drop your baits down. The first hole I pitched my shaky head into I felt several light taps. I swung and missed. Having such a quick strike so soon got me even more excited.

I pitched into several more holes, but had no more takers. I saw a little bass cruise out from under a smaller mat of vegetation, so I made a cast over by him. I saw several bass swim out towards my bait. The next thing I knew my line was swimming off. I set the hook, and landed this little guy. I was pretty pumped just to catch a bass even it was a little one.

bass fishing horse shoe springs

I threw again to the same spot, and another one picked it up and swam off with it. He must not of had the hook in his mouth, because when I swung on him my bait came flying back at me. It was cool seeing them hit the bait. At this point they got wise to me, and I had a hard time convincing them to bite again. They were in tight schools sitting in key areas to ambush prey. I tried throwing about 6 more things at them to get another one to bite, but it was fruitless.

I explored the rest of the area with the shaky head walking and looking. I spooked off a couple more schools of bass, and had a few more taps on my worm. These bass are definitely skittish. I didn’t have my full arsenal of finesse baits or else I would of tried scaling down to something smaller to see if they would eat better.

I didn’t have a lot of time, but I did end up seeing one decent sized 2 pound bass skirt out from under a bank. The main key if you go here is to make sure you make far enough casts, and don’t walk up and spook the fish. I can’t wait to get out here and try it agian this winter. This a cool place to scratch your bass fishing itch if you are getting cabin fever.

Don’t forget to subscribe to the blog to get notified of posts like this in your email. I’d love to hear from anyone else about Horseshoe springs fishing if you have. I’m sure there are some tricks for getting a few of those bigger bass to bite. Leave a comment about your experiences below, or if you would like to know more about this trip.

As Always,

Stay Stoked!

Gear Used

The links above and below in this post are affiliate links were you can pick up baits, rod’s, reels, line, and anything else I used to “Krak” some bass on this trip. Krakenbass receives a small percentage of the sales through these links. I only use links to baits, and gear I personally trust and know work. I put these links to make them helpful for you, and not for the small amount I make for the sale of the products. I hope these products can help you “krak” some bass! Thank you for your support.

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