Fishing Sugar Beet Lake – Nampa Idaho

Fishing Sugar Beet Lake

Here is a short video log of my first time out fishing Sugar Beet Lake in Nampa Idaho. Conditions were tough. We had some major cold weather move in. I felt stoked to even catch a bass. Hope you enjoy the video on how things went fishing Sugar Beet Lake. Please share with your friends who may not even know about this place. Can’t wait to come back and try it again.

Fishing Sugar Beet Lake Fishing Gear

The links below are affiliate links were you can pick up baits, rod’s, reels, line, and anything else I used to “Krak” some bass on this trip. receives a small percentage of the sales through these links. I only use links to baits, and gear I personally trust and know work. I put these links to make them helpful for you, and not for the small amount I make for the sale of the products. I hope these products can help you “krak” some bass! Thank you for your support.

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