Bass Fishing From Shore – What You Need to Not Snag and Catch Bass!

bass fishing from shore

Bass fishing from shore can be super productive. Here’s a trick you can use to not snag up so much, and catch good numbers of fish. Often shore fishing can be especially brutal on hanging lures up. You don’t have the luxury to go out, and get to your bait to un-lodge it when your on the bank. Shore fishing does have advantage’s though. You can sneak up to bass easier, and fish areas sometimes boats struggle in. Use this trick next time your shore fishing to “Krak” some more bass.

Bass Fishing From Shore Tips

Walking the banks bass fishing from shore is an excellent way to catch fish. Especially, in the spring time when the bass move to the shorelines to spawn and feed. Even though shore fishing can be fruitful, it can be incredibly frustrating too. The general aspects of shore fishing creates snags easily. You can lose lots of precious lures where you mainly drag baits from deep to shallow instead of from shallow to deep from the shore. It is so much easier to snag pulling up against gravity then dragging something to fall down deeper.

I’ve always struggled with losing baits shore fishing until I figured out this clever trick. I call it the “Butt Flush.” Basically you texas rig a stick bait, and then you add a nail weight in the “Butt” of the bait. This is a game changer. The “Butt Flush” with the weedless texas rig enables you to fish deeper faster, avoid as many hang ups, and rip some fish with the proven soft-plastic stick bait.

The rest of this post will walk you through this “butt flush” technique. You will learn of all the pieces of tackle needed to get tied up and running right. Also, you will see how to rig the “Butt Flush” up, and watch this technique in action on video when I do some shore fishing on some nasty rip rap heavy snag rock. Get stoked to make bass fishing from shore a much better experience.

What You Need

Here’s a list of items you’ll need to do this “Butt Flush” Technique from shore. I’ve spent a lot of time perfecting this over the years, so you can use this stuff with confidence. Plus, save you the hours of time I wasted losing baits from the shore. The main items you need include your favorite stick bait like a senko, nail weights, a screw lock or other texas style rigging hook, and some super glue is also helpful. You’ll understand more of why this stuff is important as you learn more about this technique.

Stick Bait

Here’s an idea of some soft-plastic stick baits you can use for this technique with links on Amazon to snag any of them. Pick your favorites and run with it!

  1.  Yamamoto Senko 
  2.  Daiwa Neko Fat
  3.  Googan Lunker Log
  4.  Yum Dinger
  5.  Berkely General

Texas Rig Hooks

Here’s a couple good texas rig hooks for this technique along with links to Amazon where you can pick them up. The key is selecting the right size hook to the size of your stick bait. I’ve found with 4″ stick baits a 3/0 hooks works well. Some might say it’s a little big, but I like it because I hook up easier with the larger size hook. On 5″ stick baits I always go with a 4/0 hook. There are a lot of brands out there for hooks, so pick the ones that get your stoke juices flowing.

  1. Owner Twist Lock
  2. Trokar Swimbait Hook 
  3. Gamakatsu EWG 

Nail Weights

The right nail weight will make a difference for you on this rig. Some nail weights are big compared to others. Plus the “Butt” on some of the stick baits might be thicker too. Here’s a list of my favorites. Typically I usually go with a 1/16 size, because it usually fits most stick baits well. Use a 1/8 oz option if you need to get deeper faster.

  1. Harmony Tackle Tungsten Nail Weights
  2. VMC Nail Weights

Super Glue

Super glue will help keep the nail weight in the “butt” of your bait. You need to get a super glue that works well with plastic. Here’s some super glue options to keep in your tackle box. Super glue often comes in handy when you are out on the water for repairing, and securing softplastics.

  1. Loctite Super Glue
  2. Gorrilla Super Glue

Rigging Up The “Butt Flush”

This “butt flush” set up is pretty easy to put together. Check out the picture below, and also the video in this post to give you an idea of how to get it going. First, take your nail weight and slide it straight into the butt of your bait. Second, dab a little super glue where you inserted the weight to keep things from falling out. Next, texas rig your bait onto your hook. Lastly, tie it onto your line and start hucking!

Bass Fishing From Shore Rig
Bass Fishing From Shore this “Butt Flush” rig will keep you from losing baits, and catches good numbers of fish.

Fishing This Rig

The key to fishing the “Butt Flush” is to bomb it out, and let it settle down to the bottom. Next, you just slowly drag it back in toward you. Sometimes I’ll shake the rod to give the stick bait a little action. Or occasionally, I’ll give it a couple hops. Let the bass tell you what they like. Generally, the slow drag over the cover seems to work best. Another key is to keep contact with your bait on a semi slack line. This prevents the bait from settling in too deeply in the snags and crevices where there is absolutely no hope of getting it free. Use the feel of your rod to identify what’s going on down there. With some practice you will be a pro in no time!

bass fishing from shore
Bass fishing from shore this rig produced good numbers of fish like this for me. Plus, I didn’t even lose one lure to the nasty rip rap!

Bass Fishing from Shore Video

Check out the video of all this stuff described here in action. This video will provide you some good insight on how you can catch more bass on the bank with the “Butt Flush”. Also, you can see how I rig it up on both an EWG, and on a twist lock. You will probably notice at first in the video when I do the rig I have a beard, and when I actually start fishing the beard is gone. Long story made short is…. I started filming this, and ran out of battery life and didn’t have any extras. I had to go back into work before I could finish. The next time I was able to go out, I’d shaved my beard off a few days later. Now you know. Enjoy the video!

Additional Thoughts

One of the keys to shore fishing is to be ultra sneaky. A lot of times bass lay right along the bank. Make 45 degree parallel casts to figure out what depth the bass where at. Another thing, make sure you switch out color’s and baits often fishing from the bank. Especially if you see fish, and you aren’t catching them. In the video above the baby bass color definitely wasn’t working as well, so I switched to green pumpkin and start catching more fish.

Lastly, The links above and below in this post are affiliate links were you can pick up baits, rod’s, reels, line, and anything else I use to “Krak” some bass shore fishing. Krakenbass receives a small percentage of the sales through these links. I only use links to baits, and gear I personally trust and know work. These links are supposed to be helpful for you, and not for the small amount I make for the sale of the products. I hope these products can help you “krak” some bass like they have for me. Thank you for your support!

As Always,

Stay Stoked!

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