Jackall Kaera Frog Review – Bass Fishing Tackle & Gear

Jackall Kaera Frog Review

This Jackall Kaera Frog review will hopefully help you when purchasing bass fishing tackle and gear. Solid tackle is pivotal to help you catch more fish. When Jackall came out the Kaera frog I scooped one up. I’ve been using it regularly over the last year, and have been really impressed with the bait. In this bass fishing tackle review you will learn the pro’s and the con’s of this bait. When, how, and what to use for catching bass on the Kaera Frog. Plus, some video footage of this bait in action, to make sure you know exactly what you are getting into with the Jackall Kaera Frog. Enjoy the post!


Jackall Kaera Frog Review

Jackall has a reputation from making some pretty dope frogs. I own both the Iobee & the Gavacho, but the Kaera frog is a unique offering Jackall. It has a much smaller profile, and a different structure to set it apart from other frogs on the market. Despite it’s small profile it still weighs a half ounce. It’s quite dense for a frog of it’s size. Quickly, here is a list of how the features of the Jackall Kaera Frog work, and the pro’s and con’s of this bait.

Jackall Kaera Frog Review – Con’s:

– Small Size. It gets hit from all sizes of fish, so if you are wanting to get bigger fish you’ll need to through something bigger.
– Soft Body. It get’s torn up pretty good when the bite is on. You have to take time fixing your frog after every fish.
– Takes some practice to get it to walk in open water. It’s a little tougher to get to walk because it’s so small.
– Not as weedless as other frogs on the market, better on pads and grass. Decent, but not awesome going over scum.

Jackall Kaera Frog Review – Pro’s:

– High Hook Up Ratio – Bass hook up well on this bait because of the small size, sharp hooks, and soft body.
– More Bites –  It get’s more bites because it is smaller, and the skirts are already perfect right out of the package.
– Casts Well –  Surprisingly you can bomb this thing even though it’s small.
– Great Colors – The natural colors for this bait really draw a lot of strikes from the bass. Even in open water.
– Open Water Bites – Catches fish even in open water that are out cruising when walking this frog.

Jackall Kaera Frog Review Bass
This was the first fish I caught on the Jackall Kaera Frog early in the morning on a golf course pond. The Kaera frog works!


Jackall Kaera Frog Review – When, How, & What Works

The Jackall Kaera frog works best when water temperatures are high, and the bass our laying shallow in thick cover. Seasonally, it shines best in late spring through summer into the early fall. Fishing the Jackall Kaera frog on a medium heavy baitcasting rod and reel set up with 30lbs. braid is ideal. Floating braided line is key to be able to walk the bait properly, and keeps the frog scooting up over the cover to prevent gunk on your bait. Plus, the heavy action rod will enable you to get a solid hook set to make sure those bass get stuck good. You will always get more strikes on this bait, when you can make it walk side to side with each twitch of your rod. Check out the video below to see how this bait ideally works.

Jackall Kaera Frog Review Video

Here’s some clips of this Jackall Kaera frog review in action. This bait continues to be a staple in my arsenal because of the sheer number of bites it gets, and how many actually hook up. Hopefully, seeing how to use this bait will help you in your decision to include it in your bass fishing arsenal.


Where to Find the Jackall Kaera Frog

Unfortunately, I’m not aware of any physical locations that actually sell the Kaera frog. You can pick it up online pretty easily though. Amazon or Tacklewarehouse usually has them in stock. Here’s a link to Amazon to where you can pick one up. This frog typically retails for around $10.00.

Jackall Kaera Frog Amazon

Thank you for reading this Jackall Kaera Frog Review. The links in here are affiliate links were you can pick up baits, rod’s, reels, line, and anything else I use to “Krak” bass with the Kaera Frog. KrakenBass.com receives a small percentage of the sales through these links. I only use links to baits, and gear I personally trust and know work. The links are here to be helpful for you, and not for the small amount made on the sale of the products. For additional tools check out my products page for other stuff help you in your quest for bass: Krakenbass Products. I hope these things can help keep you “kraken” bass like they have for me. Thanks for your support!

As Always,

Stay Stoked!

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