Bait Selection Chart Mastery E-Book

  • Know what bait to use in ever situation. This eBook training holds the secret for you to know exactly what bait to use and when to use it
  • Eliminate wasting time trying baits that won’t work, instead catch bass immediately after arriving at the lake
  • Start catching all the bass in the lake by adapting quickly while others struggle and blame the fish for not biting


How to know exactly what you should use to immediately catch bass:


“It was difficult to have any type of success when I had no idea what I was doing. The amount of detail JB has put into this program has changed my perspective and I’m excited to get on the water in a few weeks!”

Don't Take My Word For It

I’ve been a fly fisherman for years and really haven’t fished for bass since I was in high school in the 90’s, but wanted to get back into it. Thank you so much for spending the time putting this together. It was worth every penny.


The material you cover and the resources you provide have not only taught me a ton of stuff but increased my confidence in getting out and trying new things in my pursuit of bass.


Awesome information. The information builds upon itself and makes the basics of bass fishing easy to learn. Thank you! I hope to use what I learned to Krack some bass!
